Thank you for writing this! I’m exmormon and this summarizes so many of my thoughts! After I left Mormonism, I felt myself getting quickly drawn into any community. I missed the support.

A personal note I’d add to your writing: As you noted, cults strip individuals of their boundaries, critical thinking, and solid relationship building skills. After leaving mormonism it was like I had to exercise a new muscle in ways that felt strange and awkward. It was in these exhausting exercises that I felt myself most susceptible to cult hopping.

I’ve accepted I will always be a recovering Mormon.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Michelle Carpenter

Well written and food for thought!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Michelle Carpenter

I agree, I especially dislike the targeting of vulnerable people who’ve left a cult and are trying to rebuild their lives, and it’s the re-victimization. Most MLMers are themselves brainwashed, but I think some of the more successful ones know exactly what they’re doing and are just sociopaths who see someone struggling and think “I bet I can profit from preying on that person and making their struggles even harder.” Ex cult victims must be like blood in the water for the sharks.

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